Great Gut Guide

is the home for gut health learning.

If you suffer from digestive problems, autoimmune diseases, psychological issues or chronic health challenges, you’re in the right place.

Great Gut Guide is here to guide you through your healing journey and empower you to take control of your body and mind.

You deserve to thrive, not only survive!

We are here to hold your hand whilst you are restoring your gut and becoming a healthier version of yourself. 

We know it is not an easy ride, but it is all worth it.

We’ve been through this as well.

Several committed Practitioners, Nutritional Therapists, and certified GAPS Coaches with more than 15 years of GAPS experience, joined their forces to help you achieve your health goals.

Skip the overwhelming feeling of trying to “figure it out” on your own. You will feel empowered to heal and think to yourself,


We are helping you to become your own favourite health coach, by providing practical, easy to follow online courses.

Know what's best for your body and learn new skills from experts from all corners of the world.

Our vision is to enhance your gut health. Sit back, enjoy and start learning today!

Meet our course leaders

Monika Holland CGC, NT

I specialize in severe digestive disorders, mental/nervous system imbalances and impaired autoimmunity. I’ve “walked the walk” having healed my own severe life-threatening Crohn’s Disease. My personal experience gives me compassion, empathy and intuition when working with clients to restore their gut-brain connection, rebuild their gut lining, re-populate their microbiome, and help them return to a healthier self.

Think of me as the microbiome researcher who is on a quest to help you on your healing journey. 

I have the following training, knowledge, and experience with GAPS and more – 

Certified GAPS Coach (CGC) & Nutritional Therapist (NT) – one-on-one and group coaching sessions focused on the GAPS protocol, emotional healing, detoxification protocols, and other natural time-tested therapies. 

GAPS Instructor – teaching the science of enemas in the Certified GAPS Practitioner & Coach certification trainings (CGC & CGP) with my mentor and colleague Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride.

Founder of the "Great Gut Guide" online teaching platform – offering affordable, self-paced, easy-to-follow and practical courses focused on natural health modalities and detoxification protocols.

Co-Founder of “How2Gaps” – a Facebook community group for members following, learning, and sharing about the GAPS protocol.

Founder of the "GAPS 101 Podcast” – focused on the GAPS protocol and natural healing modalities.

Marina Peck CGC, PNE

Certified GAPS Coach 2021
The Weston A. Price Foundation, Greater Atlanta, GA Chapter Leader
Certified PNE (Psycho Neuro Energetics) Practitioner
The power of living a vibrant, happy and healthy life comes from the inside. 
We all have the potential to live to the best of our ability if we provide the tools for the body to rebuild, in the form of nourishing foods. 
Through navigating my own health issues, I have successfully reversed years of demineralization, lack of vitality and slow functioning digestion. If I could do it, anyone can!
The body is a fascinating, really well designed mechanism. It’s efficient and built to keep us well and thriving! Re-claim your health and I am here to support you and make it simple.